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Cleaning Up the Crypto Scene: Inside the World of Crypto Detectives

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ByMarcel Bich

Jun 26, 2023
Crypto detectives clean up the crypto scene
Marcel Bich
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Ryan Felton promoted his cryptocurrency scam with a lofty promise: he was building “Netflix on the blockchain” until a new breed of crypto investigators helped bring him down.

He dialed FLiK, a streaming platform with a cryptocurrency concept. Customers could buy a FLiK token, which provided access to programs and films aired on the new platform, for a tiny sum of the well-known digital currency ether. The initiative, which Felton called a “entertainment revolution,” saw more than $2 million worth of FLiK coins purchased by cryptocurrency aficionados.

However, there was no success with the streaming industry. As an alternative, Felton spent $1.5 million on a home and $32,000 on diamonds. A red Ferrari cost him an additional $180,000.

Discover the Stories of your Interest: Chainalysis’s Role in the Investigation

Chainalysis has grown to play an increasingly significant role in the business as government authorities coordinate an aggressive assault on cryptocurrency fraud. The business portrays itself to the government and other businesses as a force for good in a bad-behaving industry. It presents itself as a corporation that works with law enforcement to solve crimes.

After the FTX exchange collapsed, the bankruptcy lawyers for the company hired Chainalysis to sort through the maze of businesses that made up Sam Bankman-Fried’s empire and find the $400 million in cryptocurrency that had been stolen from FTX. Chainalysis has also been engaging in a little friendly diplomacy. In April, it organized a meeting to bring together government representatives and the recently censured crypto businessmen who are attempting to regain their confidence. Socks bearing the Chainalysis emblem were distributed to the guests.

The most ardent supporters of cryptocurrency, however, who saw it as a private, anonymous financial network, have taken issue with Chainalysis because of its ambassadorial role in the industry. This conflict, which is a fight for the future of cryptocurrency, is taking place amid a difficult period in the brief history of the sector.

Chainalysis is likely the most reputable firm in the market from the government’s standpoint, but only because it provides potent tools intended to cut through the mystery that first attracted people to cryptocurrencies.

Felton was accused of using investors’ money to pay for his luxurious lifestyle, and he was charged with this in late 2020. Last summer, he was tried in Atlanta. Chainalysis investigator Beth Bisbee, who had worked with the Drug Enforcement Administration, gave testimony for the prosecution. Her examination of blockchain data in 2014 assisted the DEA in finding an Arizona-based online drug dealer.

In July, the prosecution gave four days worth of testimony. Felton confessed on the final day.

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Marcel Bich

Marcel ‘s passion for the world of cryptocurrencies and his comprehensive knowledge of blockchain technology make him an invaluable asset to our team. He stays updated on the latest trends, regulations, and emerging technologies in the crypto space, ensuring that our audience receives accurate and up-to-date information.