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BreachForums Hacked After ‘Exposed’ Defacement

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Jul 13, 2023
BreachForums Hacked After 'Exposed' Defacement

BreachForums: Devastating Data Breach and Escalating Hacking Wars

When a competing hacker forum successfully penetrated BreachForums‘ security measures, ShinyHunters‘ BreachForums, which hosts the breach, suffered a serious data breach. There was a public disclosure of 4,700 member’s private information.

This event comes after the infamous cybercrime forum Exposed by BreachForums was hacked and defaced and data from RaidForums was recently released there. Uncertainty surrounds the purported hack on BreachForums. On BlackForums, the stolen database was released, raising questions about security and privacy. Alon Gal, a cybersecurity specialist, confirmed the legitimacy of the breached database and voiced rising concern over the escalating hacker battles, which pose serious hazards to BreachForums’ users.

Exposed: Hack and Defacement Amidst Forum Closure Speculations

Exposed, a cybercrime site famous for disclosing information about RaidForums, was purportedly the target of a breach by BreachForums, a rival of Exposed. On June 15, BreachForums infiltrated Exposed.vc’s servers and left a satirical message that seemed to be a seizure notice from the police. Although Exposed.vc acknowledged the attack on Telegram, the announcement’s unusual form led to skepticism. There were allegations that the owners of Exposed.vc may have planned the hack as a face-saving move because the forum was about to be shut down. These changes happened when Exposed looked for a new owner, citing a lack of time to keep up the site. The landscape of the Dark Web data forums damaged by takedowns and arrests has changed as alternatives like BreachForums have emerged.