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How to Send Hidden Email on the Dark Web?

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ByHarper Stewart

Sep 21, 2023
How to Send Hidden Email on the Dark Web?
Harper Stewart
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Emails have become a crucial component of contemporary communication, acting as a flexible forum for both professional and casual exchanges. However, because of the possible disclosure of personal information in the case of a breach, this pervasive dependence on emails has inherent hazards. Emails can be exposed to a variety of cyber risks as they move across digital networks and servers, from illegal access to data dumps and phishing scams. If you are a regular user of the dark web, exposing your identity through an email can lead to significant risks.

The idea of sending anonymous emails has gained appeal as a way to reduce these hazards and preserve a high level of privacy. An important layer of defense against possible incursions and breaches is provided by email anonymity, preventing sensitive information from getting into the wrong hands. Individuals and organizations can limit the possible effects of a security breach by separating the sender’s identity from the email’s content. Note that we don’t promote any illegal activity. All the information below is strictly for educational purposes.

Why is Anonymity Important While Sending Email?

Hiding your IP while sending an email.

You’re probably wondering why you can’t send an email without a sender address at this point. The protocol mandates one, is the correct response. This approach is useless because if you apply it, the system will give you problems, certain servers will reject your message, and suspicions will be raised about you. There is, however, another approach, which is known as “spoofing.”

When you send an email, spoofing involves utilizing a fake sender address. Because SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) doesn’t verify the data in fields like “From,” “Reply to,” or “Sender,” spoofing is not very difficult. Additionally, it’s not crucial to have the email address while attempting to trace an email address. On the other hand, the IP address is quite important. In other words, if a faked email has a precise IP address, it may still be located.

So how do you pull off the entire scam of sending a phony email that cannot be traced? use a VPN. Your IP address will be hidden by a VPN, which will also provide you one from its network. Another approach is to send the email in question via a hacked server, however we do not advise using this method because it is more on the “black hat” side of things and is favored by cybercriminals or those who send out harmful email campaigns. Below we will provide all the efficient methods on sending anonymous email.

Using Encrypted Email Services

Encrypted email service Proton.

Encrypted email services help you build your anonymity online. They can encrypt your text messages into meaningless symbols, so no one can understand the context of your text. Additionally, it can totally hide your identity and true address. Most encrypted email services operate via onion routing, which means that while you access to the internet using Tor, your traffic is routed via a global, volunteer network of relays that hide your location and activities from anybody attempting to track you. 

Such providers also never require any of your personal information that is usually essential for creating an email account – phone number, name, address, etc. One of the most popular encrypted email providers is Proton. Proton Mail is a confidential email provider that secures your conversations with open source, independently certified end-to-end encryption and zero-access encryption. This safeguards against data breaches and ensures that no one (even Proton) has access to your mailbox. Your communications may only be read by you.

The benefits of using Proton and other safe email services are: 

  • There will be no network snooping. Because your data is sent to Proton via the Tor network, it is impossible to track your online activity and determine that you are using a Proton service.
  • There is no guy in the midst. Tor adds additional encryption layers to your connection, making it more difficult for a sophisticated attacker to launch a man-in-the-middle assault on your connection to the servers.
  • Connection made anonymously. Tor also anonymizes your Proton connections. The provider won’t be able to see the genuine IP address of your Proton connection.
  • Avoid censorship. Tor may assist with Proton access. If email provider services become unavailable in your country, you may still be able to contact them by visiting their onion site. 

Changing Your True Email Address

“Hide my email” feature.

Hide My Email, an option that enables users to conceal their real email address when logging in to an app or website that needs access to your Apple account, was launched by Apple as part of a commitment to place a greater emphasis on privacy. The capability is set up so that you may use a different, random email address that Apple generates for you to avoid disclosing your actual iCloud email address to websites and applications.

Messages sent to you through an app or website are automatically sent to your original iCloud address. Your actual email account can be used to reply to them, but your response will still be kept secret. With the “Hide My Email” function, you may choose whether or not to receive emails from certain applications and websites in addition to keeping your real iCloud address private from them. By doing this, you may filter out any spam emails sent by a service and keep your iCloud email account clean.

To increase your sense of privacy and ensure that none of your many “Hide My Email” addresses can be connected to your primary Apple ID account, Apple also allows you to establish additional “Hide My Email” addresses. You may completely stop getting emails from an app or service after you’re done using it by removing the email address from your account. 

The main disadvantage of this is that you need an apple subscription to be able to hide your email. The recipients of your messages won’t be able to identify you. However, the apple can, so if you ever commit something illegal, it won’t be hard for authorities to prove you guilty.

Using a Burner Phone

A burner phone with an anonymous sim card.

As a cheap alternative, you can buy a burner phone to browse the sites you like. The burner phone usually can be used even without a sim card, so you can utilize open Wi-Fi networks to send emails. However, your data can be tracked or even stolen by public Wi-Fi networks. It’s important to know that HTTPS is supported by Gmail, Yahoo Mail, and Outlook.com. All non-HTTPS sites are marked as unsafe by Google’s Chrome browser. The HTTPS Everywhere addon for Firefox, Chrome, Opera, and Android assures that websites use the protocol by default. (It comes included with the Tor Browser.) 

That’s wonderful for browsing the web, but neither HTTPS nor VPN services keep you anonymous when emailing. Pseudonyms in email (such as [email protected]) are also insufficient. Your true IP address is stored after just one login without the use of an anonymous surfing tool like Tor. Just ask General Petraeus whether that’s enough to find you. The idea is that once you’ve gotten this far, there’s no need to turn back. So, it’s always better to make use of a genuinely anonymous web-based email service. Burning phone is usually used only one time, so it’s not really efficient for sending anonymous emails.

Sign Up for a New Email Account

Google email sign up page.

Simplicity may provide impressive results while negotiating the world of email anonymity, much like more complicated techniques. A workable approach is to open fresh email accounts with providers like Yahoo, Google, or Microsoft without using encryption. Emailers can exploit a sense of anonymity by embellishing these accounts with falsified information, such as a phony name, address, and date of birth. Even if it might be required to omit a phone number (which is getting harder and harder), it is still possible to send anonymous communications using this route.

It’s crucial to understand that emails sent from these fictitious accounts do conceal the sender’s real name. It’s important to remember a few exceptions, though. Each of these communications has an unmistakable digital stamp that may be used to determine the general origin of the communication: the sender’s genuine IP address. This enduring physical connection to the sender’s location highlights the intricate interaction between digital communication and anonymity.

Despite these nuances, it’s important to avoid harboring any fantasies for different treatment from service providers. Google, Yahoo, and others of a similar caliber continue to steadfastly track user activities. The acceptance of false information during account creation has no impact on how surveillance proceeds. These service providers follow their established procedures and may be required by law to furnish law enforcement agencies with account-related information.

In essence, adopting this simple strategy of making up information for new email accounts provides a basic amount of anonymity. Indeed, when sender identities are absent, messages are assumed to be anonymous. But an informed viewpoint is required since IP addresses are so ubiquitous. The surveillance by service providers and potential cooperation with law enforcement remain constants despite the fact that this strategy avoids complexities. Therefore, a realistic approach necessitates acknowledging the strategy’s success while also being aware of its inherent limitations.

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Harper Stewart

With a deep understanding of the complexities of the Dark Web, Harper curates informative and thought-provoking content for our readers. Her knowledge of the hidden corners of the internet and cybersecurity helps shed light on the often mysterious and illicit activities that take place in this realm.