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The NATO Commences its Most Extensive Cybersecurity Drill, Locked Shields 2023

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ByHarper Stewart

May 7, 2023
NATO launches major cybersecurity exercise Locked Shields 2023
Harper Stewart
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This year’s drills have attracted over 3,000 participants hailing from 38 countries, indicating a truly international effort to bolster cybersecurity. These individuals unite to simulate cyber attacks on critical infrastructure, develop and test skills in responding to such threats.

The broad participation of experts from various parts of the world is expected to provide a unique opportunity to share insights, strategies, and best practices to tackle cybercrime more effectively.

The Establishment of the Drill

Organized by NATO Cyber Defense Center Tallinn, Locked Shields 2023, the biggest cybersecurity exercise in the world, has kicked off in Estonia. With participation from 38 countries, over 3,000 individuals will take part in the event from 18th to 21st April.

The exercise aims to test the preparedness of participating teams to defend national IT systems and critical infrastructure against a massive cyber attack by an adversary. Participants will engage in developing tactical and strategic approaches to cooperate in a crisis situation.

The Extreme Cyber Security Measures

As per the cyber exercise’s premise, a hypothetical state will grapple with a deteriorating security situation, marked by severe cyber attacks that will cause extensive disruptions to critical infrastructure like power grids, water treatment systems, and public safety services.

In response to these attacks, National Rapid Response Teams are anticipated to extend support to the affected state. Their primary objective will be to counter the cyber assaults, limit the damage to infrastructure, and eventually restore the affected systems to their usual operations.

The Director of CCDCOE, Mart Noorma, emphasizes that the exercise provides a chance for teams to demonstrate their ability to maintain operational IT systems under real-world conditions.

NATO Cyber Defense Center in Tallinn received accreditation from NATO North Atlantic Council in 2008 and is now an international military organization with participation from 38 NATO countries and partner states.

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Harper Stewart

With a deep understanding of the complexities of the Dark Web, Harper curates informative and thought-provoking content for our readers. Her knowledge of the hidden corners of the internet and cybersecurity helps shed light on the often mysterious and illicit activities that take place in this realm.