• Sun. Oct 15th, 2023

Canada Experienced a Cyber Attack that Exceptionally did not Result in the Explosion of a Gas Pipeline

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ByEsme Greene

Jun 5, 2023
Canada Experienced a Cyber Attack that Exceptionally did not Result in the Explosion of a Gas Pipeline
Esme Greene
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Russian-speaking hackers are suspected by the local authorities of wanting to maximize harm to the power infrastructure.

On February 25 of this year, a cybersecurity problem on one of Canada’s nameless gas pipelines happened, that, per local officials, may even result in a combustible material detonating and causing human casualties. They hold the Russian-speaking hacking collective “Zarya,” which is probably situated on Russian Federation territory, responsible for all of their crimes.

According to a senior cybersecurity officer in Canada, firms in the critical infrastructure sector are often targeted by pro-Russian hacktivist organizations, and this is not the first such attempt.

What the Authorities Say

The Canadian Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, confirmed the cyberattack on the gas pipeline but highlighted that no physical harm was done to the energy infrastructure and that rumors of an explosion were unfounded.

Local sources claim that the attackers demonstrated their capacity to pressurize a control valve, silence an alert, and even bring about a gas station blackout. Cybercriminals broke into the network, but for some reason that is unknown, they didn’t do anything harmful.

The cyberattack, which was being investigated by local law enforcement, had the objective to harm Canada’s energy system economically as much as possible. Any damage has probably been prevented, as you can see from the data provided above.

Oliver Dowden, a British Cabinet Secretary, had earlier warned of the threat posed by pro-Russian hacktivist organizations launching devastating operations. He claimed that in the past, these exact same groups had attempted to severely destroy the UK’s vital national infrastructure.

Because the hacktivist movement is frequently uncontrolled by anyone or anything, such cybercriminals are free to act in accordance with their own moral principles and worldviews. However, regardless of whose interests these organizations represent, their crimes cannot be justified in any way, and everything they do is unlawful.

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Esme Greene

Esme brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our website, specializing in all aspects of DarkWeb security. With a deep understanding of the intricate workings of the DarkWeb and its associated cybersecurity risks, Esme curates insightful and informative content for our readers.