• Thu. Oct 12th, 2023

LockBit Hits Canadian Utility

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ByEsme Greene

Sep 15, 2023
LockBit Hits Canadian Utility
Esme Greene
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LockBit, a notorious hacker group, continues to trouble cybersecurity experts with a recent string of cyberattacks targeting vital organizations, governments, and businesses.

LockBit Strikes: The Week of Chaos

The gang asserted responsibility for an attack on Canada’s Commission de l’Electricité de Montréal (CSEM) last Wednesday, a century-old municipal entity overseeing Montreal’s electrical infrastructure.

Although the organization confirmed the incident on Tuesday, stating ransomware infected its computers on August 3, they stood firm against paying the ransom.

CSEM has engaged national authorities and Quebec law enforcement to restore its systems, and it claims its IT infrastructure is now fully operational.

LockBit hackers published some stolen data without receiving a ransom, a move condemned by CSEM. However, the disclosed data is deemed to pose no significant risk to public security or the company’s internal operations.

This incident caps off a week of high-profile events involving LockBit, the most prolific ransomware group in terms of attacks.

Earlier in the week, the Spanish National Police alerted the public to LockBit’s sophisticated phishing attacks targeting local architecture firms.

Despite their aggressive attack rate, experts question LockBit’s operational capabilities following a revealing report by John DiMaggio, Chief Security Strategist at Analyst1.

Infrastructure challenges hinder the group’s analysis and publication of extensive stolen data, according to DiMaggio. LockBit pressures victims to pay the ransom, primarily relying on its reputation as the most active ransomware group.

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Esme Greene

Esme brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our website, specializing in all aspects of DarkWeb security. With a deep understanding of the intricate workings of the DarkWeb and its associated cybersecurity risks, Esme curates insightful and informative content for our readers.