• Tue. Oct 10th, 2023

What Items Are Required to Build a Drug Home Laboratory?

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ByHarper Stewart

Oct 4, 2023
What Items Are Required for Drug Laboratory? | Deeplab.com
Harper Stewart

Home drug manufacturing kit.

Over the last few years, a lot of drug users started discussing drug manufacturing at home. One of the reasons for this β€œtrend” was a rise of dark web forums that specialize on drug synthesis and provide instructions on how to cook drugs at home. There are several reasons why individuals make such a decision. It’s cheaper to synthesize drugs at home instead of buying a whole product from the market. It`s also extremely profitable since the drug created at home might be put up for sale on the dark web. Many drug users who regularly mix drugs at home later decide to sell their substances and become vendors on illicit dark web markets.

Forum users discuss the equipment for home drug manufacturing.

Dark web forums claim that it’s possible to build a home laboratory at home using only common things that can be found in the kitchen or a garage. We found out that such components vary on what substance a drug user wants to get at the end. Here is a brief example of items that are usually required for establishing a home drug manufacture:

  • Safety tools (mask, gloves, etc)
  • Glass bottles
  • Plastic bottles
  • Mixers
  • Razor blades
  • Ceramic dishes
  • PH meter
  • Stirrer plate with heating
  • Vacuum pump and chamber
  • Beaker

These are just a few tools that are often utilized by home drug producers. This list doesn’t include the chemicals because we don’t want to promote illicit activities, which we strictly stand against. Users claim that it’s possible to cook drugs in the kitchen, garage, or a van.

The Investigation

A Dark web forum teaches drug synthesis at home.

It’s worth mentioning that drug inventory is widely accessible through the dark web. We went undercover and asked drug users where they buy tools for their home drug manufactory. Almost 70% of individuals replied that they regularly order equipment and chemicals from an illicit dark web market called Breaking Bad. We entered the site and were shocked that it doesn’t only sell illicit substances, but also provides free instructions on how to cook drugs at home. 

There are dozens of instructions on drug synthesis and thousands of messages from interested users. Moreover, the site even sells precursors, rare things that are needed for drug synthesis. Unfortunately, this shows that most likely, more and more drug users might switch to cooking illicit substances at home because it’s cheap and very profitable if a person decides to sell the drugs they created. 

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Harper Stewart

With a deep understanding of the complexities of the Dark Web, Harper curates informative and thought-provoking content for our readers. Her knowledge of the hidden corners of the internet and cybersecurity helps shed light on the often mysterious and illicit activities that take place in this realm.