• Thu. Oct 12th, 2023

ChatGPT Might Leak Your Data to Hackers – Large Language Models Vulnerability

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ByEsme Greene

Sep 4, 2023
ChatGPT Vulnerable to Data Leaks
Esme Greene
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ChatGPT and other LLMs have increased in popularity significantly over the last two years. ChatGPT is presently one of the world’s most rapidly expanding AI chatbots. Due to the increased usage of ChatGPT and LLMs by major organizations, there is rising concern regarding the security of sensitive corporate data online.

ChatGPT is an AI chatbot created by OpenAI that is based on GPT-3, a language model published in 2020 that employs deep learning to generate human-like writing. Language models like GPT-3 (LLMs) are trained on massive volumes of text data from the internet, including web pages, scientific research, books, and social media postings. 

The data in ChatGPT’s model is generally static after training, although it may be modified by ‘fine-tuning’ (further training on fresh data) and ‘prompt augmentation’ (adding background information about the inquiry). LLMs are excellent at producing diverse and persuasive material in several languages, but they are neither magic nor artificial general intelligence. They contain major weaknesses, such as vulnerability to “injection attacks.”

Can LLMS Leak Private Information?

Many users wonder whether LLMS might learn from user prompts and share that information with other users. LLMs do not yet include query data into their models for others to use. However, the organization providing the LLM (for example, OpenAI for ChatGPT) and its partners can view and save requests for future service enhancement. Before asking sensitive inquiries, it’s critical to read the terms of service and privacy policies.

Another concern associated with the expanding number of firms creating LLMs is the possibility of online inquiries being hacked, leaked, or mistakenly made public. This may disclose personally identifying information. Furthermore, if the LLM operator is bought by a company with different privacy policies, user data may be handled differently than intended.

Do LLMs make life easier for cyber criminals?

Cybercriminals may utilize LLMs to construct malware from scratch and seek technical guidance. Hackers may employ LLMs to strengthen their cyber attacks beyond their present capabilities, especially if they have network access. LLMs can produce persuasive answers that are only partially right, especially on specialist issues, allowing criminals to carry out attacks they would not have been able to carry out otherwise or perhaps hastening their detection. 

Furthermore, even if they lack linguistic abilities, LLMs may be used by criminals to produce convincing phishing emails in many languages, making social engineering more successful.

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Esme Greene

Esme brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to our website, specializing in all aspects of DarkWeb security. With a deep understanding of the intricate workings of the DarkWeb and its associated cybersecurity risks, Esme curates insightful and informative content for our readers.